The Street Post


The 500th EP Family

So here we are on the 15th week of the Elisha Project and we have eclipsed the 500th family mark that we set in week 3.  Back then the only people that believed it could be done were…well, to be honest – maybe my kids.  They also believe that a zillion is within reach.  But the point is that this little dream of feeding people a meal, love, and a blessing is starting to catch on.  If I had a dollar for every time that someone stated, “It’s such a simple idea.”  We would have our Food Truck, kitchen and supplies for a year.
The reality is that it is such a simple idea.  The idea that we could look past our theological, political and cultural differences and simply help someone else is not so simple for some.  However, the amazing families that make up EP (that’ s all of you) have done just that.  To date we have had:
15 Families Donate
9 Families Volunteer on a Saturday
2 Families Post on their Blogs about EP
1 Family become our Official Photog
1 Family become our Official Designer
1 Family become our Official Social Media Dept
and all because they care about extending a hand to someone else.
We are a Christian family and are very proud of that.  For us, this idea came from God and He has continued to grow it.  We are merely instruments.  What became apparent to us after the first 3 weeks was that people just assumed that we were part of a church.
People often ask, “What church are you with?”
We would always answer, “We are believers in Christ and the church we are with is not important.” What is important that we are showing people love and not talking about it. We started this project with the understanding that there would be no tax-write offs for having non-profit status.  There would be no grant applications.  There would be no overt solicitation for money.  There would be no Board of Directors or any of the trappings of establishment and official(ness).  As my business partner Jaime would say, “official-ish.”
Instead the concept would remain simple and true to its mission – PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE.  That is why we use family names and not first names. The concept that we are all one family is what we want to drive home.
In 14 weeks we have seen people laugh, cry, over-joyed and so grateful for EP and how it is changing their lives one Saturday at a time.
The ironic part is that the people I am talking about are not the ones receiving the lunches…its the people Liking the project, volunteering, and donating time, talent and treasure.
Give. Love. Live.
The Elisha Project