The Street Post


Week 32

Week 32.. An amazing week where the hand of God is becoming more and more evident to all of us…the project continues to move according to His ways and for His glory. Through Him all things are possible – no vision is unattainable.. no need too great!
Saturday morning brought a cold wet March day with drizzle trying to    damper our spirits. It was decided, with the forecast as it was, that in lieu of our usual spot behind Crossroads, we would take a small group and venture into the streets of Providence. Given the weather conditions, and to ease our physical load, we packed 54 lunches with 2 cases of water and started out…5 adults…2 children to minister to those in need. As always, prayer was essential especially given the unknown nature of our journey.
Wild Bill, an elderly gentleman, was encouraged by our offer of a lunch and readily allowed us to pray with him. Tears were visible on his cheeks as he walked away from us.

What a great power the Lord has to change lives.

Despite the cold and rain, we were all touched and encouraged. Eddie, a familiar face, obviously stricken by addiction welcomed our offer of a lunch and a prayer. Traveling west on Broad St, we ministered and prayed to many, on the sidewalks, in the streets – we met them where they were at and gave them a little light and hope in their darkness. Many lost, many wounded, all His children…life changing experiences for us all. Praise God.
Need knows no age constraints, a car packed with young adults and a baby pulled up and flagged us down. They eagerly welcomed the lunches and listened while we testified to how Jesus could change their future. Then there was the young basketball player next- a scholarship in hand, he was unsure of his future as the streets tugged him to stay- South Dakota seemed too far for him. We pray that he will seize the opportunity he has to break free and step forward in his life with no fear.

And the young couple walking among the fallen headstones of the cemetery – life in a dead place.

They could easily fit in on any college campus but there they were- together, alone, walking aimlessly. They stopped 10 steps after they met us to eat- we pray that Jesus will fill their hearts with spiritual food that surpasses all understanding.
Earl from Brooklyn (the same housing complex as our own George Ortiz) – Thank You! A welder from New York, who saw firsthand the horrors of the 9/11 World Trade Center bombings. He ministered to us for 20 minutes about his journey- we pray that you will find work, that you will join us on Sundays and that we will see you soon. Take care my friend.
We thank you Lord for your protection today and for the unbelievable gift that 54 lunches gave to us all. 54 lunches in the rain was life changing. Traveling to meet those where they were was a experience in seeing His spirit at work through us in this project. We continue to pray that we will humbly serve you through service to others- that souls may be healed- that our eyes continue to be opened. Thank you Lord for your grace that we may share it with others.

Thank you all for your continued support of The Elisha Project – that’s 2591 lunches in 32 weeks! We hope that our story is inspirational to all that read it- may it change your hearts…

“Now the company of believers was of one heart and soul, and not one of them claimed that anything which he possessed was [exclusively] his own, but everything they had was in common and for the use of all.” (Acts 4:32)