Vicente L. Pernisco EP Day

June 28, 2014
June 28, 2014 Elisha Project

Vicente L. Pernisco EP Day

We will be giving out lunches in honor of an EP family member and Marine who passed this month.  He was a supporter of EP and a personal friend and advocate for the program.  We will miss him dearly and welcome all to donate lunches/draw bags in his name.  The idea is that everyone that was touched by his life would make one sandwich (or 250) and on this day at noon just go and bless a complete stranger with it.  Take a phone video of your prep, lunch, give, etc. and email us at
EP Lunch in a decorated brown paper lunch bag with a hand drawn big VP on one side and something written on the other that Vince might say…along with your city…easy.
EP Lunch:
1) Sandwich
2) Apple
3) Bag of Chips
4) Bottle of Water
These are some of the cities that we are counting on and I know there will be more:
Virginia, Providence, Boston, Florida, California, NYC
if you are too busy for that than buy a lunch in his honor and we will take care of the rest:
George L. Ortiz, Jr.
The Elisha Project

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