Let me start by saying that we missed a week so look no further. We are on week 26 going into week 27. This week was extra special for us because it was so tough to pull off. It seemed like everything that could go wrong did.
1) Our Chef – Carrie Ortiz was under the weather and while we have had all kinds of hiccups, she always makes the sandwiches.
2) Than we had the family that was sponsoring the lunches who could not make it at the last minute (we were told Friday and had already asked other families to come next week).
3) There was a lady that was coming with her daughter to decorate bags (125) that did not show – and the family that was bringing her came and was so sick we sent them home.
4) One of our key personnel who does many things told us early Saturday morning that they could not attend.
Now we were really in a bind here and no one was biting to come to the rescue. But how many of you know that God loves us at our limits…amen. I got down on my hands and knees and called out to God for His help. Truth be told, I asked Him to do the entire thing. And guess what happened…we had one of the best Saturdays ever. Out of no where the Krupowicz family left Bristol for Providence with water and energy. The Andrews family left Coventry bound for Providence with Panera bread and sandwich making abilities.
That is how things get done in God’s economy. If you will do what you can, He will do the miraculous.
We thank the Macedo, Andrews, Securo, and Krupwicz families for their donations, love, support, and faith.
I hav e a secret to share, “GOD IS GOOD AND HIS LOVE ENDURES FOREVER!!!”
Week 26